Category Archives: Webdesign

How to add a Caption to the Featured Image in WordPress

WordPress: Featured Image Caption

Featured Image Caption in WordPress - Pgoto/Screenshot: T.Bortels/

With most themes WordPress makes it really easy to add a featured image to an article / a post or a page. But although the image caption is often added correctly to inline images, it is often missing from featured images. So how can you add a Caption to the Featured Image in WordPress easily? […]

WordPress: edit Flexslider Interval “auto rotate” (Visual Composer Element)

Very practical: many WordPress Premium Themes come loaded with lots of mighty plugins that you don’t have to pay extra for. But sometime adjusting these plugins can become a bit difficult – and suddenly you find yourself with little or no support. If you buy for example a license for the popular Theme Stockholm, then […]

How to remove images from Google image search

How to remove images from Google Search

How to get your picture off Google? Screenshot google image search – Photo / montage by T.Bortels/ /

It’s not easy to get your images listed on Google. But sometimes it’s even more important to know, how to remove images from Google. Why? Well – sometimes some of your pictures may be found by Google which were not meant to be found: private photos, test images, outdated pictures. Then you probably ask yourself, […]

Dedicated Hosting: good reasons to rent a Server

Dedicated Web Hosting: Web Server alley at All-Inkl

Dedicated Web Hosting: Web Server alley at All-Inkl – Photo / Copyright: ALL-INKL.COM

It’s not a secret: I do like Dedicated Hosting – and so we do rent a server – and not just server space. We have a so called Managed Server on which we run all our and our clients’ websites And we are very happy with it. because to me first of all renting a […]

How to create a Child Theme for WordPress in Minutes

When you are creating a WordPress website, I would recommend you create and install the appropriate WordPress Child Theme right from the start. There are of course lots of WordPress Themes you can use as they are – well designed, fully functioning. Many so called Premium Themes offer a broad variety of different options to […]

On Backup Strategies – World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

On 27 October the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is celebrated. The UNESCO originally chose that special day to raise of awareness of the importance of preserving recorded sound and audiovisual documents such as films, sound and video recordings, radio and television programs as a part of the cultural heritage. Why you need a Backup […]

CSS: How to jump to a differing anchor-position (vertical offset)


jump-anchor-offset - illustration / image by T.Bortels/

The initial question was: how to jump to an anchor, but have a vertical offset of x pixels? Anchors are somthing like reptiles of webdesign – they are basically dinosaurs, but they’re still here. And they are here for a good reason: anchor links are easy to use and they do their job. You just […]

CSS Hyphenation – Word Division by Syllable with ‘hyphens’

Hyphenation with css – Word Division by Syllable with hyphens

Web design is still a totally different thing than book or print design. The options to actually controll the look and feel are still quite limit, to say the least. But slowly online typography is becoming more and more interesting, more and more options are available. Browsers are able to display webfonts and css offers […]