Category Archives: Wordpress

WordPress: How to change string translations without a plugin

WordPress: How to change string translations without a plugin

WordPress: How to change string translations without a plugin - Photo / screenshot: T.Bortels/

Often a WordPress installation comes with a variety of different languages you can select from. And with every language you get a language file, that is basically containing the various translated strings. Most of those string translations are rather ok – but you may still want to change some of those string translations. You could […]

How to add a Caption to the Featured Image in WordPress

WordPress: Featured Image Caption

Featured Image Caption in WordPress - Pgoto/Screenshot: T.Bortels/

With most themes WordPress makes it really easy to add a featured image to an article / a post or a page. But although the image caption is often added correctly to inline images, it is often missing from featured images. So how can you add a Caption to the Featured Image in WordPress easily? […]

WordPress: edit Flexslider Interval “auto rotate” (Visual Composer Element)

Very practical: many WordPress Premium Themes come loaded with lots of mighty plugins that you don’t have to pay extra for. But sometime adjusting these plugins can become a bit difficult – and suddenly you find yourself with little or no support. If you buy for example a license for the popular Theme Stockholm, then […]

How to check the execution time of a php script

You have the feeling your website is slow? Some process is taking too long, something is not loading fast enough? Of course, there might be a script or maybe just a few lines of php slowing it down – but which part of the script is it? If you are witnessing for example speed problems […]

How to create a Child Theme for WordPress in Minutes

When you are creating a WordPress website, I would recommend you create and install the appropriate WordPress Child Theme right from the start. There are of course lots of WordPress Themes you can use as they are – well designed, fully functioning. Many so called Premium Themes offer a broad variety of different options to […]

Avoid 404 errors – find broken links and repair them

When you are building a new website from scratch, all links should of course first work just fine. There is basically now reason – or let’s rather say no excuse for broken links in a fresh setup. All internal and external links should be checked and there should be not a single broken link on […]

WooCommerce SEO: change the default shop title ‘Products Archive’ to something meaningful

WooCommerce SEO: How to change shop title Product Archive

WooCommerce SEO - how to change the shop title - Photo: screenshot / montage by T.Bortels/

As you may already know, WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin – and for many website owners it has basically become the standard e-commerce solution – an affordable and rather easy to set up way to run an online shop. The combination of WordPress and WooCommerce enables you run an online shop with relatively little […]

WordPress as a CMS: Page Management Plugins (CPT)

WordPress CMS – Page Management Plugins

WordPress CMS – Page Management Plugins – Photo/montage: T.Bortels/

When using WordPress as a CMS, the blog functionality can become less important than the handling of static pages. And I mean lots of pages. If you are using WordPress as a CMS for a while, you could be dealing with hundreds or even thousands of pages. And it is probably quite common that there […]

How to check your WordPress Version easily

Sometimes you want to install a new theme or upgrade a plugin and then you might be wondering – what wordpress version is my website actually running on? When did I update the last time? Is the theme / the plugin compatible to the version I use? You may also need your WordPress version when […]